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Maelezo zaidi ya mpira maalumu “soccket ball” waliouchezea Marais Obama, Kikwete


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Jessica Matthews - mvumbuzi wa SOCCKET
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Walipotembelea mitambo ya kampuni ya umeme ya Symbion iliyopo Ubungo jijini Dar es Salaam, Rais wa Marekani Barack Obama na mwenyeji wake Rais wa Tanzania, Jakaya Kikwete, walionesha vipaji vyao kwa kuuchezea mpira maalumu ujulikanao kama SOCCKET = Soccer Ball.

Mpira huo ulivumbuliwa na mwanadada Jessica Matthews alipokuwa na umri wa miaka 19 tu -- raia halali wa nchi mbili Nigeria na Marekani, akishirikiana na mwenzake Julia Silvermann wakati wakisoma katika chuo kikuu cha Harvard -- ili kutengeneza nishati ya umeme.

Kick a ball… turn on a light. That’s the idea behind SOCCET . An idea from the brains of two ambitious social entrepreneurs – Jessica O. Matthews and Julia Silverman – SOCCKET hopes to end energy poverty and light up the night through child’s play.

With just 30 minutes of soccer playing, kids can generate 3 hours worth of energy to power a light. 

The dream began in 2008 when Julia and Jessica met at Harvard while studying social science. Though they had no experience in engineering, they decided to invent a soccer ball that would double as a portable generator for a class project. Doing so showed them that the world of play is uncharted territory, and thus Uncharted Play was born.

Today, the company is working out of New York City to produce their renewable energy soccer balls for those living with energy poverty.
The company has been heralded by several organizations, including the Clinton Global Initiative and TED. They’re also working on several new and fun ideas that should further connect play and social good.  Their newest idea is Ludo which captures the data from SOCCKET, converts it into play time, which is then tracked and can be used like points. The points are like currency that can be used to donate real world items to other social projects.
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